What Reason?

We desire to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the peoples of Greenland.  They have spent many years in darkness and have become a stronghold of Satan.

Tuborg beer

Drunkeness, incest, drugs, rape, and many more sins are prevelant in Greenland.

The people must turn from darkness to light, from sin to the Saviour Jesus Christ, from death to Life.  That change can only come from believing upon the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour.  No amount of social reform could ever replace redemption.  No amount of politics and rehab can replace preaching the Gospel.

Pray that we will be able to reach these needy people with the Gospel

Our desire is to start independent Baptist churches in the cities and villages of Greenland starting in Sisimiut and reaching out from there.

Work must be done on translating tracts, discipleship materials, and other needed literature into Greenlandic and Danish.

We not only want to establish Baptist churches but also a Bible college to train men to pastor, minister, learn doctrine, and to enable them reach their own people.

Please pray for us as we are learn the languages of Danish and Greenlandic and as we begin our ministry to the peoples of Greenland.

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